received grant financing from Gilead

By icmt24

received grant financing from Gilead. 2.0 years (+/? 0.1 standard deviation [SD]; indicate age group 48.8 years, SD +/? 8.8); 61% had been Black. Typically, set alongside the STAY group, the SWAD group experienced indicate…

(b) Comparison of extracellular liquid volume versus total body liquid volume (ECF/TBF) in kidney transplant individuals with tacrolimus-induced hypertension weighed against controls, measured by bioimpedance

By icmt24

(b) Comparison of extracellular liquid volume versus total body liquid volume (ECF/TBF) in kidney transplant individuals with tacrolimus-induced hypertension weighed against controls, measured by bioimpedance. shows = 0.02, Supplementary Figure 2). These total outcomes concur…

[PubMed] [Google Scholar] 52

By icmt24

[PubMed] [Google Scholar] 52. primary treatment modality should be considered in future studies examining associations between statins and oncologic outcomes. and impede progression to metastatic disease [18, 19]. Recent observational studies have explored whether statins…