Using 138 sole blood samples, we compared the ability to detect non-structural (NS)-1 antigen and anti-DENV IgM/IgG antibodies among (1) DENV Detect NS1 ELISA, DENV Detect IgM capture ELISA and DENV Detect IgG ELISA (InBios International, Inc.); (2) Anti-Dengue disease IgM Human being ELISA and Anti-Dengue disease IgG Human being ELISA (Abcam); (3) Dengue disease NS1 ELISA, Anti-Dengue disease ELISA (IgM) and Anti-Dengue disease ELISA (IgG) (Euroimmun); (4) Asan Easy Test Dengue NS1 Ag 100 and Asan Easy Test Dengue IgG/IgM (Asan Pharm); (5) SD BIOLINE Dengue Duo (Standard Diagnostics); and (6) Ichroma Dengue NS1 and Ichroma Dengue IgG/IgM (Boditech Med). HAV, hepatitis A disease; HBV, hepatitis B disease; HCV, hepatitis C disease. alm-39-566-s002.pdf (94K) GUID:?C4D93488-71E1-4DC3-9376-2ED7A509CECE Abstract ELISAs and quick diagnostic tests (RDTs) are widely used for diagnosing dengue virus (DENV) infection. Using 138 solitary blood samples, we compared the ability to detect non-structural (NS)-1 antigen and anti-DENV IgM/IgG antibodies among (1) DENV Detect NS1 ELISA, DENV Detect IgM capture ELISA and DENV Detect IgG ELISA (InBios International, Inc.); (2) Anti-Dengue disease IgM Human being ELISA and Anti-Dengue disease IgG Human being ELISA (Abcam); (3) Dengue disease NS1 ELISA, Anti-Dengue CCT239065 disease ELISA (IgM) and Anti-Dengue disease ELISA (IgG) (Euroimmun); (4) Asan Easy Test Dengue NS1 Ag 100 and Asan Easy Test Dengue IgG/IgM (Asan Pharm); (5) SD BIOLINE Dengue Duo (Standard Diagnostics); and (6) Ichroma Dengue NS1 and Ichroma Dengue IgG/IgM (Boditech Med). For NS1 antigen detection, InBios and Euroimmun showed higher sensitivities (100%) than the RDTs (42.9C64.3%). All checks demonstrated variable sensitivities for IgM (38.1C90.5%) and IgG (65.7C100.0%). InBios and Boditech Med shown higher level of sensitivity (95.6% and 88.2%, respectively) than the other checks for combined NS1 antigen and IgM antibody. Five NS1 antigen checks had good agreement (92.8C98.6%) without showing positivity for chikungunya. However, all IgG checks shown potential false-positivity with variable ranges. Clinical laboratories should notice performance variations across checks and potential cross-reactivity. Keywords: Dengue disease, Diagnosis, Quick diagnostic checks, ELISA, Overall performance Dengue disease (DENV) infection is definitely a mosquito-borne disease that constitutes one of the major public health problems in subtropical and tropical areas [1,2]. As many patients either have no symptoms or present with nonspecific fever requiring differential diagnosis, laboratory confirmation using a quick, accurate, and relatively low-cost diagnostic test is especially important [3]. Laboratory analysis for DENV illness includes detection of the disease, genome, non-structural CCT239065 (NS)-1 antigen or IgM/IgG antibodies, or a combination of these checks [4]. NS1 is definitely a highly conserved glycoprotein of flaviviruses that can be detected in blood samples, most often between one and nine days after the onset of symptoms, which is very efficient for early analysis of DENV illness [5]. According to the WHO recommendations, confirmatory analysis of DENV illness includes disease detection by PCR or disease tradition, detection of IgM seroconversion in combined sera, IgG seroconversion, or four-fold increase in the IgG titer in combined sera [1]. ELISA-based serological checks can detect IgM, IgG, or the NS1 glycoprotein [6]. As many patients seek medical care five days after fever onset, anti-DENV IgM/IgG become appropriate markers for diagnosing a recent DENV infection, and the anti-DENV IgG test can help differentiate main and secondary DENV infections [7]. In addition, quick diagnostic checks (RDTs) are commonly utilized for DENV detection because of their simplicity and rapidity [3]. Several ELISAs and RDTs are now widely available from different manufacturers. However, self-employed validation and comparative evaluation remain limited. Thus, we compared the overall performance of six commercial serological checks including three RDTs for diagnosing DENV illness. This study is the 1st to carry out such a comparison. We tested a total of 138 solitary blood samples, including 34 samples from Korean individuals suspected for DENV illness, 60 from individuals with confirmed DENV illness (purchased from TRINA BIOREACTIVES RAB7B AG, N?nikon, Switzerland), and 44 from healthy Korean subjects inside a dengue non-endemic area. The supplier reported the 60 samples were confirmed by medical diagnosis and the DENV IgM test. Serum samples from Korean individuals were sent to the laboratory of Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital, Seoul, Korea, and stored at ?80 until screening. The Institutional Review Table of Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital approved this study (XC16SNMI0049K, KC17SNSI0246). Informed consent was waived because the current study was performed using leftover blood samples. Evaluation was performed with three units of ELISAs and three CCT239065 RDTs: (i) DENV Detect NS1 ELISA, DENV Detect IgM capture.